Monday, December 23, 2013

Ending the Semester on a High Note!

To celebrate the end of finals and to (sadly) send off some of our new Rome friends, we went back to St. Peter's Basilica to climb the dome. We took the elevator to the top of the basilica before continuing to climb the stairs within the dome. In order to begin our climb, we walked inside along the dome ceiling, where we could look below onto those inside the basilica. We continued up various staircases and ramps, walked along a tilted walkway, and finally arrived at a spiral staircase that was so small that a rope dangled from the top to act as a railing. The climb to the top of the Dome is not for the faint of heart! After a long journey to the top, we finally achieved our goal and got an impressive view to show for our travel! We arrived at the top just as the sun was setting and it was getting dark, so we watched as the city transformed into brilliant lights. It was a perfect way to end our first semester in Rome! 

The view from the dome!

Our fearless group! (Megan, Stephanie, Jennifer, Tess, and Katie)

After a whirlwind week of finals and emotional goodbyes, we'd like to look back on our first three months residing (and studying) in this beautiful eternal city. It seems as if our first days here were only last week, when we were in awe and even a little intimidated by being thrust into this new culture and vibrant city. While we no longer get as lost as we did those first weeks, we have yet to lose our fascination with Rome and what it has to offer: its delectable cuisine, unique culture, inspiring art and architecture, and its incomparable historical presence. Every day we come across something new, and we have no doubt this will continue next semester.

These first months in Rome would not have been the same if it hadn't been for those who have shared so many memories with us, from getting lost in the many small streets to spending evenings at our local hangout, from deciding that it's a "three euro night" at our favorite gelateria, Fridgidarium, to climbing the dome of St. Peter's. We are extremely grateful to have made so many life long friends in this short time (you know who you are), and we will always have these months of memories to laugh (and sometimes cry) about.

While it is sad to say goodbye to those who have gone back to the States, we are excited to be spending Christmas in Rome and New Year's in Florence with our parents (yay!), followed by a week each in Paris and London before returning to Rome for our second semester. This is only the end to the beginning, with so much more to come!

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