Sunday, March 16, 2014

Celebrating International Women's Day

March 8th marked International Women's Day, and while it isn't widely celebrated in the US, for Rome it is a different story. In Rome, vendors selling yellow mimosas line the streets trying to get men to buy their loved ones these special flowers for the day, various restaurants and clubs offer deals for their female clients, and all government-run museums are free for women visitors. Of course, being college students on a budget, this was our opportunity to see some sites that we normally would not want to pay for. Our first stop of the day was our local bar, Pascucci, where one of the owners, Signora Patrizia, was working by herself. We asked her, "Why are you the only one working on this holiday?" Her reply was totally unexpected: "I am a woman, I'm strong; I don't need anyone to work with me! Vive le donne!" We applauded her and decided that was the best answer anyone could give!  

Still pretty early, we walked along the river to the Ara Pacis Museum, holding the famed altar of peace dedicated to Augustus by the Roman Senate in the early years of the 1st century AD. It is a massive and sleek white marble monument to the era of peace established by Augustus, and it is one of the most beautiful remnants of the Roman Empire. 

On the steps of the Ara Pacis.

We then made our way to the ancient center of Rome and walked through Trajan's markets. It has been preserved extremely well, and you can imagine how it was once full of life and bustling with Romans from all walks of life. From the tops floors we had impressive views of i Fori Imperiali (the Imperial Forums), Piazza Venezia, and the Foro Romano. 

Trajan's Markets

We stopped for lunch at a hole-in-the-wall bar that had delicious pizza. The store owners were also very sweet, they gave each member of our group a mimosa flower in honor of the holiday! 

For the afternoon there was a shift in our plans due to unpredicted rain, for while we were going to visit the baths of Caracalla, we decided to return to the Capitoline Museum for some ancient sculpture. 

While a long and tiring day, we made the most of the "Festa delle Donne," and we enjoyed seeing some sights that we hadn't yet been to as well as returning to an old favorite. If only everyday was International Women's Day!

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