Saturday, April 26, 2014

Until Next Time, Roma!

This past week was the hardest week of this semester (4/14 - 4/16), for we had to say goodbye to our home for the past seven months. Our last days were spent visiting some of our favorite spots (our absolute, number one monument being the Pantheon--the first ancient building we saw when we arrived), dining at our go-to restaurants (don't worry, we're making a restaurant list if anyone's interested), eating our favorite gelato (Fridgidarium!), and saying goodbye to everything and everyone who contributed to our amazing experience. 

Studying in Rome has taught us so much, and we know that there is still so much for us to see and learn. Living in a different culture--and especially one that has a different language-- may come with difficulties in understanding different values and norms, but it is an incredible and worthwhile experience. The Italian way of life welcomed us in ways we had never imagined, and it has taught us to look at our own culture in a new light.

Piazza Navona
No words can describe how much we love this city. Even with all of the chaos, dust, annoying street vendors, and overall constant noise, it has become our second home, and it will always have a special place in our hearts. It's vibrant culture, delicious food, beautiful language, remarkable history, and the most welcoming and kind people in the world, most of whom we are lucky to now call our "Roman friends and family," have made these past seven months absolutely unforgettable. We will never say "arrivederci" to Roma, because we know we will be coming back soon! Ti amiamo, Roma! 

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