Sunday, May 18, 2014

Experiencing Recent History in Berlin

After an incredible weekend in Prague, we took a pleasant train ride to Berlin, Germany, our final stop on this whirlwind adventure of Continental Europe. Once we dropped off our bags, we were off to some sightseeing. We first stopped at Alexanderplatz, where Rotes Rathaus, Berlin's town hall, and the sci-fi TV Needle resides. We then wandered our way to the Berliner Dom, an impressive Protestant Church. We climbed to the top of the dome and admired the unique skyline. What intrigued us most about Berlin is how its recent history has allowed it to evolve and rebuild. Falling victim to the disasters of WWII and the Cold War, it has just recently (as in the last 20 years) begun to convert into a modern city at an astonishing rate. There were so many cranes and closed-off construction sights that reminded us of the ferocity of this modernization. 

Rotes Rathaus behind a fountain.

Berliner Dom

From the top of the dome.
Rotes Rathaus

The Berliner Dom
We spent the afternoon wandering around the Mitte center of Berlin, stopping for dinner at a classic German restaurant where we had our fill of schnitzel, sausages, and streusel. When it became dark, we went to the infamous Brandenburg Gate to see how it looked at night. A testament to Germany's history (including the history before it was even called "Germany"), the Brandenburg Gate has survived through Berlin's dramatic history of wars, occupation, and divisions, and it is a testament to the strength of the German and Berlin people.

Enjoying some German food!

Apple streusel!
The Brandenburg Gate

The next morning we returned to the area around Brandenburg Gate, which was also home to the Reichstag and many memorials, including the memorial and exhibit in remembrance of all of the murdered Jewish peoples of Europe. Later in the afternoon, we met up with a family friend of ours, who was studying in Berlin for the spring semester, near the infamous Checkpoint Charlie. 


Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Trying some currywurst.
Checkpoint Charlie

Thanks, Jeff, for meeting up with us!
While it was a relatively short visit to Berlin with its vast amount of history and museums, we're glad we were able to stop by on our way out of continental Europe. Next stop, the UK!  

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